Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Time Trouble

Alrite. so I finally finished The Time Traveller's wife, and its started to becomes really interesting near the end. When I first started reading it, it kinda dragged on, then everything started to happen. Henry actually tried to rid his diease of time travelling by asking a genelogist to inspect him, so he can control his destinations when he is travelling. Him and Clare have a child together, only then Henry finds out that he passes when his daughter is only 5. The younger version of Henry still sees his child and Clare, but throughout the whole book Clare is waiting for her husband. At the end of the book Clare sees him for the last time, he was 45 and she was 83.


  1. WOOOW thanks for comments
    srry i havnt been updating my blog
    this was initially a skool assignment so i never thought anyone would read it
    buh i'm glad ppl enjoyed it xD

  2. oh and if there are any books that u guys would recommend me reading to write a review about
    i would love to hear them <3

  3. and thanks for the advice stuff lools
    now im unsure about wut to write about tho
