Sunday, December 6, 2009

Deppilf (read to understand)

Actually it's Flipped, the story of two kids grwoing up from the second grade to the end of grade eight. This is a story I used to read over and over again when I was younger. Bryce, a blonde boy with blue eyes moves across the street from his worst nightmare, Juli. Not only is she annoying and living behind him as a shadow, she just does not know how to take a hint. Then in every other chapter we see the novel's viewpoint from Juli's point of view. She thinks Bryce has dreamy blue eyes, and one day he will have the courage to come up to her and give her a first kiss. Well from his point of view that will never happen and he did absolutely everything to avoid her. But she thinks that he is just to shy to talk to the exciting self that is Juli, but the reader knows that this was not the case. Grade eight comes, and suddenly things get flipped.

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