Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Flipping Reversed Roles!

I have to say that I absolutely FLIPPED for this book. The characters, Bryce and Juli come to life in the novel. Well they may be a bit over the top, but their hearts are in the right place. Now Bryce starts to like the annoying girl Juli, whom he has hated for countless years. Juli reaches a new state of mind when thinking of Bryce too, she stops liking him. Now the roles are flipped again, but what will happen this time? Juli cannot forget about her sycamore tree which she loved, and Bryce ignored her, and threw away the eggs Juli gave him. Now Byce cannot foget about Juli adn her passion for everything that she loves. This just reminds me of elementary days and how people can change and mature from their younger years and figure out that people are not always as amazing or as bad as they may have seemed

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